Low Self Esteem

What is Low Self Esteem?

Self-esteem can be defined as the extent to which you value yourself and we can have either a positive view of ourselves or a negative view of ourselves. Our view of our own value is born from various experiences at all stages of life. For some these can link back to childhood, whereas for others they can be more recent. How those around us behave towards us, or the messages they give to us can have an impact on our self-esteem. If we have lived much of our lives where our value has not been recognised or praised by others, we can grow to believe that we have no worth.

Some symptoms of Low Self Esteem

In order to explore your views about yourself, it can be necessary to firstly identify where they come from. This can involve some longer-term work at times, having the confidential space to explore your past experiences and the impact that these had on you. As we begin to identify how we really feel about ourselves and how much, or indeed how little we value ourselves, these ‘belief’s can be gently challenged. What positive experiences have we had, or can we draw on, that might contradict this embedded view that we currently have of ourselves.

One idea within Person Centered Counselling, that was firmly believed by Carl Rogers (one of the Founders of Person Centered Counselling) is that:

The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change

How can counselling help?

Person Centred Counselling allows you to explore all aspects of yourself and work towards accepting them as part of who you are. This can be done through typical talking therapy or by using some creative practices within sessions to allow you to connect with these ideas you have about yourself. Time can also be given to explore ways in which you can be kind to yourself and to introduce some self-care into your daily or weekly routines.

Whatever has caused your self-esteem to be impacted it is important to remember that you matter and you have the right to feel good about yourself.
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Please note that my phone is switched on from 8am-6pm Monday to Thursday only. Any messages left will be responded to within 48 hours.

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